Conjuration, 2018, 80x80
Surrender To The Question, 2018, 80x80
Voices Carry, 2018, 80x80
Asylum, 2018, 75x100
It's Just Like The Present To Show Up At Will, 2018, 80x80
Bullseye, 2017, 80x80
Through The Crosshairs, 2017, 80x80
Conjuration, 2018, 80x80
Surrender To The Question, 2018, 80x80
Voices Carry, 2018, 80x80
Asylum, 2018, 75x100
It's Just Like The Present To Show Up At Will, 2018, 80x80
Bullseye, 2017, 80x80
Through The Crosshairs, 2017, 80x80